*Starts playing Stroke 9’s song* YEA! GO Kick some Buutttt!!!! >XD
I can just image the line after they beat Sora up a couple of times.
“Sooo… Think we should tell the kid Sephiroth comes in there to train?”
*Screams of Pain and Crying*
“Too late but…wonder if they have Balcony seats?”
Last edited by KiKaiya at 12:08:27 PM EDT on August 28, 2009.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/28/09 | Reply
*Starts playing Stroke 9’s song* YEA! GO Kick some Buutttt!!!! >XD
I can just image the line after they beat Sora up a couple of times.
“Sooo… Think we should tell the kid Sephiroth comes in there to train?”
*Screams of Pain and Crying*
“Too late but…wonder if they have Balcony seats?”
Last edited by KiKaiya at 12:08:27 PM EDT on August 28, 2009.
Kratos Cruxis
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/26/09 | Reply
XD no witnesses anymore. That's funny doubt that they would talk even if there were witnesses.
Kill Sasuke
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/26/09 | Reply
DON'T BEAT HIM UP!!!! *remebers i still have to get past a certain collesium fight* WHY DO THEY MOCK ME!!!!!